Introducing Bison Cash Flows

by Michael Roth

Bison is happy to announce that our comprehensive and fully transparent cash flows are now available as part of Performance Calculator. We provide quarterly cash flows for over 1,700 (and growing)  private equity and venture capital funds that you can look at individually or create custom portfolios to analyze a specific area of the market.

Bison Cash Flows will greatly improve three areas of the portfolio management process: Benchmarking, Scenario Analysis, and Modelling.


How do my 2010 buyout investments look against the broader market and a specific peer set?

By creating market and specific custom composites, you can now compare your portfolio against:

  • Pooled average TVPI, DPI, RVPI, and IRR metrics.
  • PME analysis vs. the private equity market – Is your portfolio doing a better job timing the markets and outperforming the public markets than the rest of the PE market?
  • Time weighted returns – Now you can say with certainty that your funds are outperforming their closest peers over the last 1, 3, or 5 years.

By being fully transparent, we allow users to see what funds are in each composite and who is the source of the cash flows. Bison’s cash flows allows you to create your own pooled benchmarks that automatically update every quarter.

Scenario Analysis

How would my portfolio look if I invested in EnerVest Energy Fund XII instead of Energy Spectrum Partners VI?

The quick answer is “better”. But maybe that’s not all you are interested in. Specifically, what impact would EnerVest XII have had on your DPI, TVPI, or IRR compared to its peers? Or what would have happened if you split your energy allocation to both funds?

Users can add Bison Cash Flows to existing portfolios to determine whether you, or perhaps your team, made the right decision choosing one manager over another.


How should I model my client’s maximum cash drawdown for their next three years of investments? Should I sell these 10 year old funds in the secondary market or will I get more value from them by holding on?

As you think about bigger picture questions like investment pacing or forecasting distributions, Bison’s cash flows allow you to ask and answer questions related to managing your private equity portfolio. Create your own scenarios and allow our cash flows to help you make data-driven decisions.

Interested in Learning More?

Feel free to reach out and request a free trial.