
Industry intelligence that matters

Month: July, 2014

VC Performance Zigs when LP Commitments Zag

by jsachsbison

By Mike Nugent, CEO & Co-Founder of Bison

The National Venture Capital Association recently released the Q2 2014 VC Fundraising statistics, and the headline was “Number of Venture Capital Funds That Raised Capital Hits Seven Year High In Second Quarter.” This triggered two thoughts for me: Read the rest of this entry »

These cities have a better PE portfolio than New York City

by Michael Roth

Last week, Bison helped the NY Post analyze the New York City pensions’ private equity portfolio. Bison analyzed the roughly 160 US pension funds’ that we currently track to see who has constructed the best portfolio of funds. Read the rest of this entry »

Public Pensions Appetite for VC Jumped Up in 2013

by Michael Roth

A few weeks ago, Tom Tunguz at Redpoint posted an interesting presentation he gave to the Wharton Entrepreneurship Workshop. In it, he analyzes the state of the US venture capital market and, specifically, talks about what he sees as “The Five Forces Shaping the Fundraising Market.”

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