VCs Tweet Tweets

by jsachsbison

It’s likely that Twitter is feeling good these days and can relate to Drake’s lyrics, “we started from the bottom, now we’re here.” Thanks to some solid Venture Capital moolah early-on, Twitter has tweeted it’s way to the top. With all this hype of Twitter going public, we might as well check in with some of Twitter’s most active Venture Capital tweeps and see what’s tweeted. Over the past week, one thing has been learned, VCs are all just twitter-addicts too!

@maxniederhofer (Sunstone Capital) seems to sarcastically be dreading the future of stiff VC competition

@sether (Foundry Group) shares some witty travel woes

@shervin (Sherpa Ventures) has some simple, yet empowering advice

@pkedrosky‘s (SK Ventures) kids have a great sense of humor

@jeremysliew (Lightspeed Venture Partners) teases the twitterverse by finding the answer to everything
& not sharing (140 characters can only do so much)

@ceonyc (Brooklyn Bridge Ventures) is morbid about the demise of a once major corporation

@sacca (Lowercase Capital) gives thanks to
@fredwilson (Union Square Ventures) for his 10 years of inspiration & advice

@chrisfralic (First Round Capital) shares a stunning fact 