
Industry intelligence that matters

Month: September, 2013

VCs Tweet Tweets

by jsachsbison

It’s likely that Twitter is feeling good these days and can relate to Drake’s lyrics, “we started from the bottom, now we’re here.” Thanks to some solid Venture Capital moolah early-on, Twitter has tweeted it’s way to the top. With all this hype of Twitter going public, we might as well check in with some of Twitter’s most active Venture Capital tweeps and see what’s tweeted. Over the past week, one thing has been learned, VCs are all just twitter-addicts too! Read the rest of this entry »

Keeping an eye on Fund Managers

by goksor

When an LP makes a commitment to a venture capital or buyout fund, they are committing to a blind pool of capital. As such, it is very important to learn as much as possible about the investment team during the due diligence process. How large is the team? Is the team size appropriate for the fund size? Does the team have too many senior professionals (or vice versa)? Has there been a lot of turnover on the team in the last few years? Read the rest of this entry »

Monitoring: Portfolio Liquidity

by goksor

Another aspect of portfolio monitoring is evaluating a GP’s ability to generate liquidity in the fund. The most common way is through exiting a portfolio company via sale to a strategic buyer, a financial buyer (another PE firm), or via an IPO.  Media outlets cover these events in great detail, but the story is typically not as straightforward as expected.  For the LP, it is important to look beyond the hype of an exit and look at the whole picture to evaluate the success (or failure) of an exit. Read the rest of this entry »

PR: Bison partners with ICBI to transform PE events

by goksor

Boston, MA – September 10, 2013

Bison is announcing a first-of-a-kind partnership with ICBI, successful organizer of the SuperReturn series, the largest series of Private Equity and Venture Capital (“PE”) events in the world. Bison and ICBI will partner to bring valuable market intelligence to SuperReturn attendees, empowering them to make more informed decisions. Read the rest of this entry »

Top 8 Private Equity Stories of the Summer (with .gifs reactions)

by jsachsbison

Carlyle closes over $10B for it’s Fund VI $12B target

Image Read the rest of this entry »