
Industry intelligence that matters

Month: June, 2013

Conversations with Mike: Private Equity or Public Markets?

by goksor

Rasmus: This is the third blog post in the series Conversations with Mike.  I am speaking with my Bison co-founder, Mike Nugent, about the private equity and venture capital markets.  Today’s focus is on how private equity relates to the public markets.  Nice to have you back, Mike.

Mike: Good times. So where do you want to start?

Rasmus: I would love to hear your thoughts on the differences between public companies and companies that private equity firms invests in. Read the rest of this entry »

Conversations with Mike: Day in the life of an LP

by goksor

Rasmus: We are sitting down with Bison co-founder, Mike Nugent, to discuss the private equity and venture capital markets. In this second conversation we are focusing on Mike’s typical workday when he was at the Fund of Funds manager, SVG Capital.  Hi Mike.

Mike: Hi Rasmus, looking forward to sharing some more insights on the life of a limited partner.

Rasmus: Great.  Maybe the best place to start is to hear what you usually did when you first got to work? Read the rest of this entry »

Conversations with Mike: Meet Mike

by goksor

Rasmus: Hello, my name is Rasmus Goksor, and I am co-founder of Bison. We are a new online platform that brings firm level private equity and venture capital data to LPs in a fresh way. I am sitting down with my co-founder, Mike Nugent, for the first in a series of conversations that will highlight the private equity and venture capital markets. Today, I want to focus on Mike’s previous experiences in the financial markets. Thanks for taking the time to speak, Mike.

Mike: Thanks, Rasmus – I’m more than happy to.

Rasmus: So I’d like to start out by discussing your background. Where did you start working? Read the rest of this entry »

Taking the Private out of Private Equity

by goksor

It seems hard to discuss Private Equity and Venture Capital without mentioning how private the industry is. Commentators complain that there is limited information available about PE/VC firms and what they actually do. At the same time, they point out, it is clear that PE/VC firms yield a lot of power. They invest in and control many of the leading businesses in the world. Another indicator of power is the numerous service providers that dedicate their practices to the industry: consultants, placement agents, law firms, and accountants to mention a few. Read the rest of this entry »